Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023

Our commitment Cue is committed to achieving and maintaining good health, safety, and environmental standards, which we consider critical to the success of our business. We operate in accordance with a Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy approved by our Board of Directors, and a HSE Management system. An Operational Risk and Sustainability (ORS) committee, comprising members of our Board of Directors, convenes regularly to evaluate the company’s HSE initiatives and operational risks. Reflecting on the past year, Cue recorded zero incidents, zero lost time injuries, and zero significant spills within our own operations. Regrettably, one Lost Time Injury (LTI) was reported at the Maari Joint Venture; however, a comprehensive investigation was conducted, and remedial actions were taken by the operator. Cue diligently reviews all incidents and Health and Safety reports at our projects, contributing input and feedback to ensure the safe running of all operations. Our commitment to employee well-being is underscored by the continual availability of our employee assistance program, ready to provide aid upon request. Empowering our communities Cue continues to support the communities in which we operate. Through our joint venture partnerships, we proudly assist our partners in their community activities. Within our own operations, Cue actively promotes opportunities for local and regional economic growth, adhering to our Capturing Local Economic Benefits Policy, and we encourage our partners to adopt similar practices. Our Indonesian operations cultivate close ties with local communities, offering employment prospects, community facilities, and aid initiatives. In the Mahato PSC, Texcal supported various health initiatives, such as aid for undernourished children and pregnant women, contributing to local communities during annual religious festivities, and facilitating the development of sporting fields in Petapahan village. Mahato PSC: Distribution of aid for stunted children and pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency Sustainability report Mahato PSC: Land Clearing for sporting fields in Petapahan village Medco Energy, representing the Sampang PSC joint venture, placed importance on assisting local fisherman during the year by distributing fishing equipment. In addition, they undertake community programs and infrastructure projects including constructing local roads, sanitary facilities, and installing external lighting and community equipment. Medco Sampang also partakes in tree planting initiatives, including the Peduli 550 Pohon (care for 550 trees) program. Sampang PSC: village external lighting installation 17 Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023