Cue Energy Resources Limited Annual Report 2023

General Legal Disclaimer Various statements in this document may constitute statements relating to intentions, opinion, expectations, present and future operations, possible future events and future financial prospects. Such statements are not statements of fact, and are generally classified as forward looking statements that involve unknown risks, expectations, uncertainties, variables, changes and other important factors that could cause those future matters to differ from the way or manner in which they are expressly or impliedly portrayed in this document. Some of the more important of these risks, expectations, uncertainties, variables, changes and other factors are pricing and production levels from the properties in which the Company has interests, or will acquire interests, and the extent of the recoverable reserves at those properties. In addition, exploration for oil and gas is expensive, speculative and subject to a wide range of risks. Individual investors should consider these matters in light of their personal circumstances (including financial and taxation affairs) and seek professional advice from their accountant, lawyer or other professional adviser as to the suitability for them of an investment in the Company. Except as required by applicable law or the ASX Listing Rules, the Company does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness, correctness, likelihood of achievement or reasonableness of the information contained in this document, and disclaims any obligation or undertaking to publicly update any forward-looking statement or future financial prospects resulting from future events or new information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of the Company or its agents, directors, officers, employees, advisors and consultants, nor any other person, accepts any liability, including, without limitation, any liability arising out of fault or negligence for any loss arising from the use of the information contained in this document. Reference to “CUE” or “the Company” may be references to Cue Energy Resources Limited or its applicable subsidiaries.